Riverdale Community Gardens
Riverdale Recreation Commission received funding through Community Foundations of Canada and has partnered with Riverdale Municipality to build 20 community garden plots. 10 of these are ground level, and 10 will be raised garden beds to make them as accessible as possible. They are approximately 5’x3’ in size.
These garden plots will be in various empty green spaces in the community (Rivers), focusing on enhancing empty community pockets. We will try and accommodate the plot locations near the residents who have rented them.
Plots will be available to the public on May 15 at 9am. They are free to rent for the season. A Terms of Use agreement must be signed. You may request a specific garden plot/size, however, the ultimate allotment of plots will be made by the Manager of Community Services.
We are extremely fortunate this year to have an assortment of vegetables already sprouting in the greenhouse, waiting to be planted. When you secure your garden plot, this year only, you will receive vegetables ready for you to plant in your plot. This is made possible by the grant money we received to start up this program.
What & Why
A community garden is a space dedicated to the community to allow them the opportunity to grow their own garden. More than that though, community gardens help improve our knowledge and connection to sources of food, they strengthen neighbourhood connection, they transform empty spaces into community hubs, and they promote awareness of our environment. Communities that have these garden spaces often experience a positive environmental, economic, and social impact from growing their food in a community garden.
Christine Walker, Manager of Community Services
101 Main St. Rivers, MB